Sampl Painting Project

Adult Painting Programs

This program, geared for an adult level, focuses on the creative role in art and
achieving depth in painting. The medium is acrylic paint on canvas. Attention is
given to application and brush techniques, while allowing the exploration of the individual’s natural style and artistic perception of their subject.

The student has the choice of subjects they wish to paint, or they can provide
us with their own subject matter, which we will prepare on canvas for them.
This gives the student the ability to focus on the techniques and interests they
wish to pursue. Please feel free to share your ideas with us! We'd love to help
you pursue your talents.

The nature of this class allows the student who loves to paint the opportunity
to grow in their ability, since different projects are introduced to challenge their
skill level.


All adult programs run for 6 weeks, 2 hour classes.

Check our Schedule for upcoming classes and pricing